横山 雄
東京都在住。桑沢デザイン研究所総合デザイン科卒業。全国各地にて作品の展覧会を開催。沢木耕太郎『旅のつばくろ』、村上春樹×柴田元幸『本当の翻訳の話をしよう 増補版』、ミラン・クンデラ集英社文庫新装版の装画、世田谷美術館「マルク・シャガール 版にしるした光の詩」のアートディレクション、デザインのほか、書籍や広報物、展覧会、作品集のデザインや装画・挿画、ロゴ、パッケージイラストなどを手掛ける。
Lives and works in Tokyo. Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School, Department of Integrated Design. Exhibitions of work have been held throughout Japan. Worked on the cover illustrations for “Tabi no Tsubakuro” by Kotaro Sawaki and “What We Talk About When We Talk About Translation, Enlarged Edition” by Haruki Murakami and Motoyuki Shibata, and the new paperback edition of Milan Kundera’s novels published by Shueisha. Handled art direction and design for “Poetic Light in the Print of Marc Chagall” at Setagaya Art Museum. Includes design for books, publicity materials, exhibitions, and collections of works. Also creates illustrations for books, logos, and packagings.
Contact: mail@yokoyamaanata.com
Instagram: @yokoyamaanata